Monday, May 7, 2007

Scp 2007 Cheer it Yeah^^

Dis is It! Da day our cheer practices will pay off on the South City Plaza Cheerleadin Competition , cuz we nail it u noe? It 's not oni tat day, But da day me n my cheer team CAM WHORE kao kao>.<

Told ya show crazy we can get>.<GROSS/strong> pictures man O.O"

Later we nailed it with spirit>.< Full Throttle Man!!! But we still got 2nd. Anyway, we took a lot of money with other teams from almost every where!! There's lotsa new teams with quite good stunts. Cant believe they can do twist cradle, that's juz counted good for a beginner^^

yup yup^^ We did it^^ Took pictures with every1 includin da team from Singapore^^

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